Acceptable Usage Policy

Last Update: 10/05/2024

You will be held accountable for all actions conducted through your account, whether initiated by you or others. In the event of a breach in server security, the account holder assumes responsibility for all infractions of Astral Services Limited's Terms of Service (the "Terms of Service") and this Acceptable Use Policy, including SPAM, as well as any associated disconnect and reconnect fees related to such violations.

The following terms establish a contractual agreement between you and Astral Services Limited This Acceptable Usage Policy governs your utilization of the services provided by Astrial Services Limited (the "Services"). BY UTILIZING THE SERVICES, YOU INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS ACCEPTABLE USAGE POLICY.

Statement of Purpose

The primary objective of Astral Services Limited is to establish a strong brand while providing our clients which the services they purchase, in this case, the resources required to establish the online service they are after in a fast environment with reliable access.

Regarding Ultimate Liability

Astral Services Limited bears no responsibility for the security of your individual service. The client bears ultimate responsibility for the security of their individual service. Astral Services Limited hereby disclaims all liability for any content you store on the services.

Network Misuse

All clients are allowed access to the public and private networks available. However, misuse of the network in any way will result in a violation of this Acceptable Usage Agreement. Any and all violations of the Acceptable Usage Agreement will be subject to review by Astral Services Limited, and appropriate courses of action will be taken as deemed necessary by Astral Services Limited. Proper use of the network must comply with all, local, state, federal, and international laws. Clients assume all responsibility and liability for all content that they place on the server.


Any form of sabotage, regardless of intent will be considered grounds for termination of an account. This includes but is not limited to causing disruption for other clients of any sort.

Network Security

All Clients are obligated to uphold all security measures on their servers. Any additional charges incurred as a client's negligence are the sole responsibility of the client.

Monitoring Policy

Astral Services Limited does not actively monitor all the content on its servers. Content hosted on servers will only be reviewed upon on receipt of a complaint. Content that complies with everything inside of the Terms of Service, this Acceptable Usage Policy, and the Law will be deemed compliant. If any content found violates anything inside of the Terms of Service, this Acceptable Usage Policy or the Law will result in appropriate actions, this includes full termination of your account with no warning.

Blacklist Policy

If any client or third-party user utilizes Astral Services Limited services in a manner that results in Astral Services Limited or any IP addresses issues by Astral Services Limited being "blacklisted" or "blocked, Astral Services Limited reserves the right to terminate services for such clients.

IP Addresses

All IP addresses issued by Astral Services Limited are the property of Astral Services Limite. Client do not possess any ownership rights to any IP addresses issued by Astral Services Limited and are prohibited from transferring IP's.

Law Enforcement

Astral Services Limited may under legal obligation be required to disclose client information to law enforcement officials upon receipt of a valid subpoena from a court.

Notice of Copyright Infringement

Astral Services Limited will uphold intellectual property rights and will comply with copyright laws. If you are found breaching Copyright law your account may result in a termination.




Once payment is completed, the amount you have selected will be credited to your account balance, enabling you to renew your services or place new orders.

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